Friday, July 21, 2017     Hilda Campbell      Home Renovations and Maintenance

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It seems just about every neighbourhood has its infamous haunted house. You know, that creepy, dark, run down house overrun with weeds and the curtains that are perpetually drawn. What if said haunted house was listed for sale? Would you consider buying it?  Would the reputation of the house affect the value? How about a house located next to a cemetery, or a funeral home?

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, buying a house that’s said to be haunted or that’s located in close proximity to a cemetery can definitely have an affect on value. While there are buyers who see the pros of buying these properties, there are many more who would not even step foot on these properties, let alone consider buying them. Also, there are certain cultures that are particularly averse to buying near cemeteries. Depending on where you live, that can have a dramatic affect on the value.

However, think of the benefits of living near a cemetery. They are well maintained, offer lots of green space, they’re peaceful, you don’t have to worry about re-zoning, noisy neighbours or barking dogs.  It could also be a nice place to go for a walk.  In certain neighbourhoods living next to a cemetery can actually increase the value of a property.

How about the benefits of buying a haunted house? It is likely a house that is reputed to be haunted would sell for below market value due to the stigma attached to the property. So if you’re looking for a good deal and aren’t spooked by things that go bump in the night, a haunted house could be for you. In a survey conducted by, it turns out there are more than a few people who would be okay with it.  Here are the results of the survey:

  • 41% of respondents would buy a place with reported ghost sightings
  • 36% of respondents wouldn’t object to levitating objects
  • 15% of respondents would pay full market value of the home
  • 9% of respondents would take a 31-50% discount

Whether you’re looking to buy a house, haunted or not,  in Burlington, Oakville or the surrounding area, or for general real estate advice, please contact me.  I can help!

In the meantime, Happy Hallowe’en everyone!

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